This year, my schedule is very similar to last year. Once again, I have 2 sections of 6th grade to teach, & I'm teaching Reading, Writing, Spelling, & Social Studies. This is what my day looks like:
8:00-8:30 time in my room before kids arrive
8:30-8:50 homeroom
8:50-9:30 planning period
9:30-11:00 ELA with 1st class
11:00-11:45 Social Studies with 1st class
11:45-12:00 locker break & switch classes
12:00-12:30 ELA with 2nd class
12:30-12:45 recess duty :-(
12:45-1:15 my lunch
1:15-2:15 ELA with 2nd class
2:15-3:00 Social Studies with 2nd class
3:00-3:15 locker break
3:20 dismissal
Before you even ask, YES, I am ready to eat my own arm by the time my lunch rolls around. Last year, we had the first lunch, so I felt like I barely finished my breakfast by the time we headed to lunch at 11:00. Now I need breakfast & a snack before I get to go to lunch...I guess you can't win! Also, I essentially eat alone, which stinks. There are a few people finishing up when I get down there, but for the most part, I'm alone.
So, that's my day. Very exciting stuff!