
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Daily Schedule

I essentially have a week left until we return to school. This morning we finally received an email detailing our daily schedules (lunch & recess times, planning periods, duty schedules, etc.). I am really excited about my schedule this year! We have 2 sections of 6th grade in my building. Because I'll be teaching both Language Arts & Social Studies, it'll be nice to have an uninterrupted block to get everything finished for both classes. Here's what my daily schedule looks like:
8:45-11:10...AM class
11:55-2:30...PM class
Yes, in my building the 6th grade students still have recess. To be honest, a lot of times I feel like it's unnecessary, but other times I am glad to have a tiny bit of leverage that they have a chance to burn off some excess energy.
I think this is the first time that I'll have complete blocks of uninterrupted teaching time for both of my classes. It's also the first time in many years that my planning period has been at the end of the day. I can see this going one of two ways: either I'll be so exhausted that I'll get nothing done during that 40-minute block, or I'll be really motivated to get everything done so I am ready for the following day. Considering I'll eat lunch at money is on Choice A.

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